Adaptive leadership program - Final Materials
lab 3 - workshop materials
Mapping your Identities Worksheet
Renegotiating Loyalties - Letter to a Beloved Voice exercise
lab 2 - workshop materials
Our Work in Lab 2 (Introductory Materials):
1) Immunity to Change:
Worksheet: Immunity to Change Map
Worksheet: Finding Your Focus
Worksheet: SMART Test
Worksheet: Biography of My Assumptions
2) Framing the Shared the Challenge and Defining Progress:
Worksheet: Framing the Shared Challenge
Worksheet: Adaptive Leadership 4 Challenge Archetypes
Worksheet: Setting Objectives for Adaptive Progress
3) Leadership Options:
Worksheet: Allies & Confidants
Worksheet: Formal & Informal Authority Map
Worksheet: Faction Map
Worksheet: Layers of the System Map
Readings & Resources
Leadership without Easy Answers: A Conversation With Ronald Heifetz (Ronald Heifetz, Joe Flower)
Harvard Business Review: The Work of Leadership (Ronald Heifetz, Donald L. Laurie)
Harvard Business Publication, Education: When Students Are the Case Protagonists (Tim O'Brien)
Harvard Business Review: The Real Reason People Won’t Change (Robert Kegan, Lisa L. Lahey)
Leadership On the Line: Keep Confidants, and Don’t Confuse Them with Allies (Ronald Heifetz, Marty Linsky)
lab 1 - Workshop Materials
Our Work in Lab 1:
1) Read the Heat: What Challenge Am I Facing?
Worksheet: Heat Mapping
2) Separate the Expectations of Authority from the Work of Leadership
3) Distinguish Technical Work from Adaptive Work
Worksheet: Technical vs Adaptive
4) Identify Resistance and Diagnose Loss
Worksheet: Loss Mapping
5) From the Balcony: Make a Plan to Learn More
Worksheet: Staying Diagnostic Review Worksheet
6) Case Consultation
Protocol: Case Consultation Protocol
Rubric: Case Consultation Debrief