What People Think Leadership Is vs What Leadership Actually Is

There are so many version of “leadership” definitions floating around. A lot of them are really problematic. 

As I’ve been re-engaging with Heifetz ‘Leadership without Easy Answers’ - I’m realizing how orienting his distinctions have been for me and my work. And the same is true for many of our clients. 

Here are the TOP 10 confusions about leadership:

People often think, or assume leadership is:

  • something you're born with

  • charisma

  • influence

  • power

  • serving

  • heroic

  • a position or title 

  • solving and fixing

  • creates followership and buy-in

  • having a vision

  • getting people where you want them to go 

  • is glamorous 

What leadership actually is…

  • something that can be learned and developed

  • comes in many forms

  • means mobilizing others to confront difficult challenges

  • disappointing people at a rate they can handle

  • building new capacities

  • a team effort

  • a practice, a verb

  • making progress

  • possible from many positions of authority

  • asking difficult questions 

  • supporting learning

  • is difficult 

We are excited to hear your reflections! 


Leading From Within


Working with Authority: Overcoming the Binary between Admiration and Allergy