Jewish Federation of Greater washington:
Adaptive Leadership at All Staff Days
January 28, 2025 – Unpacking Heat, and Strategies for Getting in the Learning Zone
Session Materials:
Diagnosing Heat Zones (worksheet)
Getting Into the Learning Zone (worksheet)
Your Commitments to Helping People Get in the Learning Zone (Menti harvest)
“Moments of Disequilibrium” (podcast episode) from KONU
Excerpt from “Leadership on the Line” (book) by Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky – these short chapters are focused on managing heat/disequilibrium
Follow-Up Invitations:
Consider sharing the commitment you made (to helping folks get in the learning zone) on your teams, and ask them to hold you accountable! Check in with one another on your progress a few weeks afterward.
Play with checking in on ‘heat’ during collaborative meetings. As you kick off new projects or experiment with different structures, share with one another: “What zone are you in right now? What supports do you need (if you’re in/close to panic)? Is there any heat we’re avoiding that we should be turning on?”
Please reach out to Emily Wyner ( with any questions.