Madregot Summer Institute

June 25 – 29, 2023

Thank you for joining us to learn about Adaptive Leadership at the 2023 Madregot Summer Institute. Below you’ll find the program materials and further resources.

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Case Consultation Materials:

Day 1: Leadership as LearningDistinguishing Technical vs. Adaptive Challenges

  • Slides

  • The Theory Behind the Practice,” excerpted from The Practice of Adaptive Leadership by Ronald Heifetz, Alexander Grashow, and Marty Linsky (2009).

  • “The Most Underrated Skill in Management” by Nelson Repenning, Don Kieffer, and Todd Astor, for MIT’s Sloan Management Review.

  • Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents (2020) (excerpted prologue and epilogue) by Isabel Wilkerson - this book explores the deeply rooted adaptive challenge of overcoming the caste system in America. Caste is a form of socialized hierarchy that, in America, places Black Americans at the bottom. This book provides a thoroughly-researched and emotionally searing account of this centuries-long system of oppression, drawing lessons and connections from the caste systems in India and Nazi Germany. It also explores possibilities for our shared future if we can successfully deconstruct the caste system and heal its collective wounds.

Day 2: Leading from Any Chair: Authority, Influence, and Leadership

Day 3: The Art of Adaptation: Orchestrating Learning & Managing Losses

Day 4: Staying Anchored: Mindset Shifts to Sustain Your Leadership Journey