Wexner Field fellowship Class 4 - Fall INSTITUTE
Session 1: Introduction to adaptive leadership
Experiential Exercise - no presentation or worksheets
Session 2: Distinguishing Adaptive and Technical Challenges
Session 3: Leading with and beyond your authority
Session 4: The Inner work of leadership: We contain multiple voices and loyalties
Seeing Yourself as a System here.
Session 5: The Inner work of leadership: Experimentation and Learning
Perspective Mapping here. (please note: we didn’t end up using this worksheet, but have included it here as an additional reflective resource)
Session 6: anchoring yourself and synthesis
Anchoring Yourself here.
Excerpt of “Part 4: See Yourself as a System” from The Practice of Adaptive Leadership by Ron Heifetz, Marty Linsky, and Alexander Grashow (ch.13 “Seeing Yourself as a System,” ch.14 “Identify Your Loyalties,” & ch.15 “Know Your Tuning”) here.
“When Your Job is Your Identity, Professional Failure Hurts More,” by Tim O’Brien here.
“Keep Confidants and Don’t Confuse Them with Allies,” from Leadership on the Line by Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky here.
Managing Loss: “Shared Pain is Taboo” Blog post by Elisabeth Heid & Judit Teichert here.
“On the Balcony” – KONU’s new podcast, exploring the book Leadership without Easy Answers by Ronald Heifetz